Saturday, December 5, 2009

Simpleness of Jumping

Tuesday marked my first day in therapy. My counselor is a guy named Matt. He's intense, pushes me, calls me out, and listens really well. And this I know after one session.
I'm going to a counselor.

It's a scary step to take. I've been at the cliff's edge for quite some time now. I can see the bottom, blurry and far down. It's an unknown jump. But I can also see what's behind me... I can see the jungle of a heart that's full of swamps, treacherous wild animals, and poisonous insects that would kill if given too many more chances to bite. I could stay at the edge and just slip by. Or I can walk back into the jungle, continuing painful and cruel habits that only end up in unhappiness. Or. I can jump off the edge into the unknown. An unknown world of healing and moving forward with my life. Cutting the chains that bind me. Forgiving the wounds that have scarred me. Letting the Blood heal me.
I have a friend who tells me that he sees so much potential in me. But he's afraid I'll always be held back by the jungle that I've been in.
I have a Savior who sees me as healed, perfect, and knows a future is there for me... a future He and His Father planned long ago for me.
I'm currently stuck in the middle as I start inching forward, closer to the edge... poised and ready to jump.
The fall is scary, it will hurt, I will scream. I'm so excited for the landing though. Even if I break a few bones when I land, at least I'll be in new territory. It's easy to stay on the edge, easier even to walk back in the jungle, the familiar territory. Yet, it's so simple to jump too. So I'm going to jump. And it's going to be good.


Beth Grace said...

You, my dear, are a brave soul. Few people would be so willing to venture into the unknown. God does His best work when we are in new places and are vulnerable. I am excited for you, and to see the work He will be doing in your life.
I am also very excited to be following your blog. It's always nice to hear about another sister in Christ. =]

Ellie Grace

Tracy said...

Good for you Samantha. I'm glad you decided to take this step even though it seems scary. I think it will be a good thing for you & you're right, the Blood will heal you. I'll be praying for you.


P.S. I LOVE the Christmas look. = )